Okay, so this might be getting a little personal...but it is odd and therefore falls under the "freaky friday" category.

I believe I both sweat and cry more than the average person.  What I have noticed in these many times of sweating and crying is that one side of my body seems to produce more...water (?!)...than the other.  My right side, to be precise.

The sweating part is kind of gross, but sadly true.
Please don't try to look and see for yourself next time we're around each other.  I would know exactly what you're doing and it would make me uncomfortable and incredibly self-conscious!  :)

If I am just sort of crying, I might have tears in both eyes, but at least 5 tears will fall from my right eye for every 1 from my left eye.  Sometimes no tears will fall at all from my left eye.  Isn't that strange?!  Of course they will fall equally if I am really boo-hooing. 

Well, I think I've divulged more than enough about myself for today.
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