today i am thankful for:
- snow!  i got to run around in it a bit and throw a couple snowballs before i ran back into my warm house.
- music.  i have listened to a lot of music lately and it always makes my life better.
- my friends in grad school.  i am already getting sad about the next wave of friends who will be leaving between now and may.  the last 2 1/2 years of my life have been tough in many ways, but i have been so blessed by my friends from school.  okay...enough of that...i can't start crying about it yet!
- Tazo Awake tea.  i think i'm an addict.
- Jaeden.  she knows how to welcome a person home!  her "circle wag" makes me smile every time.
- words of encouragement and blessing.  i really value hearing such words and i believe they have a transforming power in my life.  i hope i can bless others in the same way with my words.
- my pink coat.  which makes me think of Dr. Thompson.  which makes me think of my mentor group.  Dr. Thompson, Keith, Jason, Nick, Heather, and Naomi...oh, how I miss our time together. tears today!
- white chocolate covered cranberries.  delicious.  and very holidayish in my opinion.
- my students.  i am happy for the semester to be over, but am kind of sad about not seeing them every week!
- inside jokes.  i hate that they can potentially exclude some people...but i love them.  they make me feel very happy.  that sounds cheesy...but oh well.  i think it just makes me enjoy the special friendship i have with that person/those people.
- The Big Bang Theory.  great show!  it makes me laugh really hard sometimes.
- the Advent service tonight.  i am really looking forward to it!  and we will sing "O Come, O Come Emmanuel" which is one of my favorite Christmas songs...perhaps even my absolute favorite...i'll have to think about that a little more before i completely commit.  :)
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