As Rodney Ashlock's Graduate Assistant, I have been working with him for a few months on the Christianity in Culture class that is offered to Sophomores at ACU. While we discussed the goals of the class, it became apparent that we wanted the students to commit to thinking critically about Christianity in Culture. As a result, a journaling-type assignment was born and we have asked the students in the class to turn in a "journal" of some sort that demonstrates a critical analysis of Christianity, Culture, or a combination of the two. I truly believe that this is essential to the life of a Christian, because if we don't intentionally think through life, it is very easy to just walk blindly through it and not give it any thought at all. However, as Christians we are called to be completely committed disciples of Christ, becoming more and more like in in every aspect. I have all too often fallen in the trap of living aimlessly, not fully thinking through the implications and consequences of the choices I make. Although this will not change overnight, I have decided to commit to critical thinking alongside my students. In doing so, I am making myself vulnerable to them as they are to me, and am opening my thoughts and feelings up to critique, encouragement, and discussion. I hope to look back and see the ways I have grown and see the fruit of living intentionally. May God give me insight, wisdom, the courage to see things with clarity, and grace when I fall short.
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